Advice for Using Silage Wrap Film

Store film rolls on their ends in a dry place out of direct sunlight. Keep film rolls in cartons and condition them at ambient temperature prior to use. The ideal storage temperature is 20-30 ℃.

Take care of film rolls, in particular film roll edges, when handling and transporting film rolls. The film rolls should be used within one year of purchase.

Thread and attach film rolls as wrapper instructions and adjust the pre-stretch unit to keep the center point of the bale and film rolls on a horizontal line. Ensure that the blade of the cutting mechanism is maintained in order to avoid long film tails after wrapping.

Bales should be dense and cylindrical in shape and ideally of 40-50% Dry Matter. Apply at least a 50% overlap with a minimum of 4 layers of film. For lucerne, stemmy crops, and square bales, a minimum of 6 layers of the film should be applied.

Choose a well-drained and exposed site away from trees, hedges, watercourses, and highways. Stack bales after wrapping within 12 hours and don’t stack more than 3 layers.

Inspect stack regularly and repair any damage immediately. Use bales within 12 months of wrapping. The used film can be recycled together with silage barrier film

silage wrap film